Window Tinting

Light Transmission & Pricing

5% | 20% | 35%

Color Stable • 1.5 Mil • 2 Ply
  • Door Windows
    $60.00 Per Door
  • Rear Quarter Windows
    $30.00 Per Quarter
  • Rear Windscreen
  • 3 Rear Windows
    (2 Doors & Rear Windscreen)
  • 5 Rear Windows
    (2 Doors, 2 Quarters & Rear Windscreen)
  • Full Vehicle (Based on 4 Door Sedan)
    (4 Doors, 2 Quarters & Rear Windscreen)

ASWF Window Tint

ASWF (American Standard Window Film) tint is commonly used for several reasons:

  1. Heat Reduction: ASWF window tint helps reduce the amount of heat entering a vehicle or building, thereby enhancing comfort by regulating interior temperatures.
  2. UV Protection: It blocks harmful UV rays, protecting occupants and interiors from sun damage. This is particularly beneficial for reducing the risk of skin cancer and preventing upholstery or furniture fading.
  3. Glare Reduction: ASWF tint minimizes glare from the sun, making it easier and safer to see while driving or working in spaces with direct sunlight.
  4. Privacy and Security: It provides increased privacy by reducing visibility from the outside. Additionally, it can reinforce glass, making it more difficult for intruders to break in.
  5. Energy Efficiency: By reducing the need for air conditioning, ASWF tint contributes to energy conservation, leading to potential cost savings on cooling bills.
  6. Enhanced Aesthetics: ASWF films come in various shades and colors, allowing for customization and improving the overall appearance of vehicles or buildings.

Ultimately, ASWF window tint offers a range of practical benefits, including increased comfort, protection, and aesthetic enhancements, making it a popular choice for both automotive and architectural applications.

ASWF Carbon Data Chart